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Diventa cintura nera di Figma, dai un boost ai tuoi processi di design con un corso su misura. Completamente live e in italiano.
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All the Figma keyboard shortcuts to go at the speed of light ⚡

Some shortcuts may vary based on the type of your keyboard. In some cases there are different shortcuts for the same command, try the one that works for you.

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Show/Hide UI
Editor and presentation mode
Toggle design/prototype panel
Present (play the prototype)
⌥ + ⌘ + Enter
Alt + Ctrl + Enter
Preview (play the prototype on the canvas)
Switch between files
⌥ + ⌘ + ⬅️ ➡️
Alt + Ctrl + ⬅️ ➡️
Increase font size
⇧ + ⌘ + > or ⇧ + ⌘ + .
⇧ + Ctrl + > or ⇧ + Ctrl + .
Decrease font size
⇧ + ⌘ + < or ⇧ + ⌘ + ,
⇧ + Ctrl + <
Increase font weight
⌥ + ⌘ + > or ⌥ + ⌘ + .
Alt + Ctrl + > or Alt + Ctrl + .
Decrease font weight
⌥ + ⌘ + < + ⌥ + ⌘ + ,
Alt + Ctrl + < or Alt + Ctrl + ,
Increase letter spacing
⌥ + > or ⌥ + .
Alt + > or Alr + ,
Decrease letter spacing
⌥ + < or ⌥ + ,
Alt + < or Alt + ,
Paint bucket
While editing a shape
Bend tool
While editing a shape
Join selection
After selecting points
Smooth join selection
After selecting points
Delete and heal selection
After selecting points
Deep select with rectangle
While dragging to select
Select layer menu
⌘ + Right click
Ctrl + Right click
Select all matching layers
Measure to selection
While pointing
Duplicate selection
While moving
Resize from center
While resizing
Resize proportionally
While resizing
Ignore constraints (frames)
While resizing
Move while resizing
While dragging
Tidy up
Ctrl + ⌥ + T
Ctrl + Alt + T
Distribute horizontal spacing
Ctrl + ⌥ + H
Ctrl + Alt + H
Distribute vertical spacing
Ctrl + ⌥ + V
Ctrl + Alt + V
Swap component instance
While inserting a component
Suggest auto layout
Ctrl + ⇧ + A
Ctrl + Alt + ⇧ + A
Drag padding/spacing with big nudge steps
While dragging handles
Drag padding from both sides
While dragging handles
Drag padding from all sides
⌥ + ⇧ + Drag
Alt + ⇧ + Drag
While dragging handles
Edit both padding sides
Click padding area
Edit all padding sides
⌥ + ⇧ + Click
Alt + ⇧ + Click
Click padding area
Single padding field
While clicking into any padding fields in design panel
Set hug contents
Double click Vertical or Horizontal edge
Set fill container
⌥ + Double click Vertical or Horizontal edge
Alt + Double click Vertical or Horizontal edge
Set alignment stepwise
After clicking on alignment box
Set alignment to edge
After clicking on alignment box
Set alignment to center vertically or horizontally
After clicking on alignment box
Toggle text baseline alignment
After clicking on alignment box
Toggle space between/packed
X or Double click on alignment widget
After clicking on alignment box
Open Menu to allow toggling
With Width / Height in focus